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Welcome to the Past Support Sessions page of the Recovery Support Program! The Recovery Support Program is designed to help those who are struggling with disordered eating/eating disorders to better equip themselves with the support and tools that they need for recovery, no matter where they are in their journey. Whether you’re curious about eating disorder recovery, waiting to start treatment elsewhere, or looking for a little extra support to maintain recovery; Body Brave’s Recovery Support Program is here for you. 

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What’s the difference between a workshop and a recovery session? 

Finding the Right Support Session:

To help you find the best supports for your needs, support sessions in the Recovery Support Program are split into 4 categories:


  1. Finding & Maintaining Hope 

  2. Building a Recovery Toolbox 

  3. Dealing with Challenges & Triggers 

  4. Building a Meaningful Life 

Learn more about what kind of support sessions are included in each category and explore past sessions below! 


Starting eating disorder recovery can be the hardest part, and it’s even harder for us to try to just catapult ourselves into recovery without knowing anything about it.


This category focuses on sessions that can help plant a seed to get you thinking about what it might look like for you to work towards recovery. 

building a recovery toolbox

Just like anything worth doing recovery is not easy, but it is worth it.


This category focuses on sessions that will help you fill your eating disorder ‘recovery toolbox’ over time with therapeutic skills, increased knowledge surrounding your own mental health, familiarity with support options, understanding of your personal support network, and additional nutrition awareness.


The reality of eating disorder recovery is that it's not always easy. There are challenges that can make navigating recovery difficult.


This category focuses on exploring tools and skills that will help you navigate the hardest parts of recovery. Whether you’re navigating recovery for the first time, or you’re steering through life’s bigger challenges while working to maintain recovery, these sessions are designed to provide support as you handle the bumps in the recovery road.


When someone struggles with disordered eating it can take a toll on their sense of self. An important part of the recovery process is re-establishing that self-identity and learning about who you are without your eating disorder.


This category focuses on helping you envision moving forward and focusing on the future, how you can best work to live out the values you’ve learned through the recovery process, and bringing together all you’ve learned to create your own definition of strength and resilience.


1. Watch the session.

2. Work through the worksheet or slides (materials). Worksheets include further resources and reflections. 

3. Leave us feedback so we can improve future sessions.

Recovery Session

How Do I Start Recovery?

Starting can be the hardest part: where do I begin? how do I know if I'm doing this right? what do I do if I relapse? In this recovery session we still talk through what it means to start recovery, and how you can best approach starting recovery for yourself.

Recovery Session

Defining Recovery

For some recovery is a destination they are working towards, for others it's an on-going process. In this session we will explore some of the complexities of what recovery can look and feel like, and give you tools to reflect and define recovery for yourself.

Recovery Session

Recognizing the Eating Disorder Voice

In eating disorder (ED) treatment and recovery you might hear people talk about the ED’s “voice.” The "ED Voice" refers to the set of thoughts, beliefs or narratives you have that support the eating disorder. In this Recovery Session we will explore what it means to recognize, understand, and overcome your "ED Voice".

Recovery Session

Am I Sick Enough?

In this session we will explore the question so many of us ask ourselves about what we are experiencing when it comes to disordered eating: if it’s serious enough, if it’s worth telling someone. Our clinician and two lived experience panelists will talk what an unhealthy relationship with food or your body looks like and how we can recognize the difference within ourselves.

Recovery Session

How To Tell Someone You Have an Eating Disorder

Telling someone you know that you are struggling with disordered eating can be one of the most daunting and overwhelming parts of recovery. In this Recovery Session we will explore how we can best approach and prepare ourselves for telling others about our experiences.

Recovery Session

The Long and Winding Road of Recovery

Some folks talk about recovery as a destination, others talk about recovery as a journey they're always on. In this Recovery Session we will explore ideas of how you might define recovery, what it can mean to be "recovered", and everything in between!

Recovery Session

Self Compassion & Recovery

So many of us can offer understanding, empathy, and compassion to others, but struggle with extending those same things to ourselves. Practicing self-compassion can be really hard, but in this Recovery Session we will explore what self-compassion means and how we can start to incorporate it into our lives.

Finding & Maintaining Hope

Building a Recovery Toolbox

1. Watch the session.

2. Work through the worksheet or slides. Worksheets include further resources and reflections. 

3. Leave us feedback so we can improve future sessions.

Recovery Session

Family-Based Therapy & Eating Disorders

What is Family-Based Therapy? Who is it for? Does it work? In this recovery session, we talk through the benefits and complexities of family-based therapy, explore the challenges that arise with this type of treatment, and discuss strategies that parents AND youth can use when utilizing this approach.

Recovery Session

Neuroscience of Eating Disorders 

In this recovery session we will explore some of the neuroscience behind eating disorders, to help us understand a bit more about our thoughts and behaviours. If you've ever wondered about the brain science behind eating disorders, this is the session for you!


The Biological Basis of Eating Disorders

Join Karen Trollope-Kumar, Body Brave’s Medical Director, for a workshop exploring the biological basis of eating disorders. We’ll examine genetic factors that affect susceptibility to eating disorders, as well as some fascinating new brain research on eating disorders. Other topics include the gut-brain connection and trends in biologically-based treatment approaches.


Exploring Eating Disorder Treatment Options

This workshop is designed to provide a broad overview of eating disorder treatment options and approaches that are available for folks struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating. We'll hear from a variety of professionals about what you might consider when exploring treatment and support options.

Recovery Session

Who Is on My Support Team?

Who do I need on my support team and how can I reach out to them? In this recovery session we will hear from panelists about their experiences in eating disorder (ED) recovery and who was on their support team and explore what kind of supports we might need around us as we navigate recovery.

Recovery Session

Talking with Friends and Family

Trying to talk to loved ones about disordered eating and eating disorders can be completely overwhelming. In this session we hear from panelists about their experiences communicating with friends and family and explore strategies for you to do the same.

Recovery Session

Goal Setting For Realistic Recovery​

In this recovery session, learn how to set realistic recovery goals. Participants will be be able to leave the session with concrete skills and resources to set SMART goals during recovery.

2-Part Workshop

Part 1: Introduction to Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a therapy that focuses on increasing one’s ability to manage intense emotions and act in ways that are effective, helpful, and consistent with one’s values. During this 2-hour workshop participants will be introduced to some basics of DBT including mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness skills to support their recovery. Focus will be on integrating DBT skills into everyday life and navigating the ups-and-downs of recovery.

2-Part Workshop

Part 2: Introduction to Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a therapy that focuses on increasing one’s ability to manage intense emotions and act in ways that are effective, helpful, and consistent with one’s values. During this 2-hour workshop participants will be introduced to some basics of DBT including mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness skills to support their recovery. Focus will be on integrating DBT skills into everyday life and navigating the ups-and-downs of recovery.


Nourish Your Recovery

During this 2-hour educational workshop, you will be introduced to what structured eating for recovery is from a non-diet, weight-inclusive lens. Structured eating is often an integral part of recovery from an eating disorder, and generally involves a meal plan and timed eating. Come ready to explore what it means to nourish your recovery! This workshop is appropriate for anyone struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating who is ready to explore basic information about nutrition for recovery.


Exploring Emotional Eating with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

How do our emotions relate to eating and thoughts about food? This 2-hour workshop will support participants in building awareness of the connection between emotions, thoughts, and eating. Participants will be introduced to the basics of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and tools to identify and explore emotional eating.


Starting with Meal Planning

Meal planning can be overwhelming and confusing for so many people. It can also be a very helpful component to your recovery. Come ready to learn the basics of what meal planning is, when it is helpful, and how to get started.


Navigating Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping while working on recovery goes hand in hand with meal planning. It is something that can be confusing to navigate for many individuals, but with a few simple tips it can be an easier experience. During this 1 hour workshop we will explore some of the challenges with grocery shopping and leave you with specific strategies to better tackle the grocery store.


Self-Advocacy in Medical Settings

Between overloaded healthcare systems, medical professional bias, and power dynamics that exist between a patient and a provider, being able to speak up for yourself, set boundaries, and ensure that you get the care you deserve can be really hard. In this workshop we will explore a bit about why self-advocating is hard (you're not alone!) and some tools that you can use to help you the next time your at a healthcare professionals office.


Setting Boundaries

In this recovery session we are talking all things 'boundaries'. We will explore the process of understanding and defining your boundaries, and then what it means to set and communicate those boundaries with the people around us.

Building a Recovey Toolbox
Most recent

Dealing with Challenges & Triggers

1. Watch the session.

2. Work through the worksheet or slides. Worksheets include further resources and reflections. 

3. Leave us feedback so we can improve future sessions.

Recovery Session

Barriers to Recovery

What are the things that keep us from getting to where we want to be when it comes to eating disorder recovery? In this recovery session we will explore some barriers we might experience when it comes to recovery.

Recovery Session


Self-sabotaging can impact our jobs, our relationships, our friendships, and our self-esteem. Unfortunately, recognizing these behaviours in ourselves can be so hard, especially when they might be behaviours we've developed to keep ourselves safe!⁠ In this recovery session we will explore what self-sabotage can look and feel like, and how we can overcome it.

2-Part Workshop

Part 1: Challenges of Recovery - Physical

The reality of recovery is that it's not always easy. There are challenges that can make navigating recovery difficult. In this workshop we will talk about some of the physical challenges of recovery, including managing the affects of disordered eating on your physical health.

2-Part Workshop

Part 2: Challenges of Recovery Mental/Emotion

The reality of recovery is that it's not always easy. There are challenges that can make navigating recovery difficult. In this workshop we will talk about some of the mental and emotions challenges of recovery, including self-esteem, coping with big emotions, and managing relationships.

Recovery Session

Dealing with Diet Culture

Recovering from an eating disorder is one thing, recovering from an eating disorder while being surrounded by and bombarded with diet culture is another. In this recovery session we will define diet culture and explore ways that we can work to navigate through it.


Reclaiming Challenging Foods

Do you struggle with allowing all foods into your eating pattern? Are you labelling foods as 'good' and 'bad'? Or perhaps you are struggling with foods you feel are ‘safe’ and ‘feared’. Are there foods you are nervous to have available at home? You are not alone. The idea of allowing all foods into your eating pattern can feel overwhelming, especially if a food has been weaponized or demonized. Come ready to explore what ‘all foods fit’ really means and how to reclaim your challenge foods. This workshop is appropriate for anyone struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating who is ready to talk about incorporating more variety and explore challenges you might have with specific foods.

Recovery Session

Coping with Bad Body Image Days

Bad body image days (weeks, months, years, etc.) happen to all of us, but for those who are struggling with disordered eating they can be that much harder to deal with. In this session we will talk tricks and tips for coping with bad body image days.


I Can't Keep Calm, I Have Anxiety

“I have anxiety. How do I keep calm and carry on??” Anxiety can be a common struggle for many folks with an eating disorder. This 1-hour workshop with questions will focus on managing symptoms of anxiety, will address how you see yourself, your world, and the people around you. Together we will explore how you can learn to change those “hot” anxious thoughts and feelings. This workshop will be conducted with an eating disorder sensitive lens and is geared towards individuals struggling with food, weight and body issues.

Recovery Session

Social Recovery

In this recovery session we'll have honest, authentic conversations about the challenges of social eating during the recovery process. Participants will be able to leave the session with concrete skills to help cope ahead of stressful situations and improve the social eating experience.

Recovery Session

Body Checking

Body Brave’s first recovery session! Join us for an honest, authentic conversation about body image and recovery-orientated coping strategies.


Decolonizing Eating Disorders

In this recovery session we meet with Morgan Hopson, founder of Decololize Eating Disorders to talk all things decolonization in relationship to food, our relationships with our bodies, and the medical system at large!


Non-Diet Approach to Managing Diabetes & Heart Health

During this 2-hour educational workshop, learn how to incorporate nutrition strategies to help manage diabetes and heart disease without dieting or restriction. This workshop is appropriate for anyone living with diabetes or heart disease who is recovering from an eating disorder or disordered eating and ready to explore intuitive eating.


Food & Trauma from Sexual Violence

Research has shown that there is a close link between disordered eating and sexual violence. In this workshop, we will explore this connection and talk about the unique challenges faced by survivors of sexual violence who are struggling with disordered eating.

Recovery Session

Navigating the Holidays in Recovery

A mini support session as we continue into the Holiday season! We will explore a few tools and skills for navigating the holidays. Bring your questions or concerns and we will talk through them!


Thriving Through the Holidays

The holidays can be a hectic and challenging time. Feelings of stress, anxiety, and difficulties with food arise for many of us. Join Body Brave and Eating Disorders Nova Scotia for a 1-hour interactive workshop to discuss how to manage triggers, strengthen self-care, share communication strategies, navigate meals, and boost your coping skills. You will leave this workshop with your own toolkit of resources catered to support you during the holidays.

Recovery Session

Neurodivergence and Eating Disorders

In this session, we explore the unique challenges neurodivergent individuals living with eating disorders/disordered eating face, increase awareness and understanding of their impact on eating behaviours, promote early detection and support, and discuss neurodivergent-affirming treatments practices.

Recovery Session

Type 1 Diabetes & Eating Disorders

This session will uncover the intricate relationship between Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and eating disorder behaviours, shedding light on the challenges individuals with T1D may face while navigating recovery. We'll also explore strategies for providing empathetic and effective care tailored to the needs of those managing T1D and eating disorders.

Recovery Session

Athletes and Eating Disorders

In this session we delve into talking about athletes and eating disorders! Our session discusses the intricate connection between people who are weekend warriors, are involved in a sport, or are an athlete and the unique risk of developing an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviours. The goal of the support session is to shed light on the challenges that anyone may face while navigating sport, dieting pressures, body image, and recovery. We will be joined by Molly Carlson, an elite Canadian high diver, and Stephanie Ryall, a national varsity cross country and track runner and medical doctor.

Dealing with Challenges & Triggers

Building a Meaningful Life

1. Watch the session.

2. Work through the worksheet or slides. Worksheets include further resources and reflections. 

3. Leave us feedback so we can improve future sessions.

Recovery Session

What is Flexible Eating?

In this recovery session we will explore flexible eating within eating disorder (ED) recovery, and how we can adopt flexible eating patterns and practices into our lives. Panelists will discuss what flexible eating looked like in their ED recovery.

2-Part Workshop

Part 1: Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is a powerful tool that can be helpful for people working to reject diet culture and the pressure to eat in certain ways.⁠ ⁠ At the same time, intuitive eating may not feel accessible to everyone, and individuals struggling with an eating disorder may not be able to fully engage with all of the principles until they are further along their path to recovery. In this workshop we will explore the principles of intuitive eating in eating disorder recovery.

2-Part Workshop

Part 2: Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is a powerful tool that can be helpful for people working to reject diet culture and the pressure to eat in certain ways.⁠ ⁠ At the same time, intuitive eating may not feel accessible to everyone, and individuals struggling with an eating disorder may not be able to fully engage with all of the principles until they are further along their path to recovery. In this workshop we will explore the principles of intuitive eating in eating disorder recovery.

Building a Meaningful Life
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