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Resources to Support Your Recovery

Some of the resource below have been collected from National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) resource page for the purpose of highlighting frequently requested client handouts. This list is NOT exhaustive and may be subject to change.

For more resources, please visit NEDIC's resource page

Resources for You

A Guide to Discussing Your Concerns with Your Primary Care Provider


When you’re worried that you have an eating disorder, figuring out how to get help can be very overwhelming. Primary care providers (family doctors and nurse practitioners) play an important role in addressing eating disorder concerns, which can span diagnosing, referring to specialized eating disorder programs, and providing regular medical supervision. It’s recommended that you arrange to be assessed by your primary care provider as one of the first steps in getting help. This resource is meant to guide you on how discuss your concerns with your primary care provider.

How to Disclose Your Eating Disorder to Friends & Loved Ones


Disclosing your eating disorder with others can be challenging. This resource is meant to guide you on how to start the conversation with your loved ones.

When to seek Medical Care for an Eating Disorder


Are you unsure about what physical symptoms indicate you may need more urgent care? Check out this resource to learn more about when its important to seek urgent medical care.

Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Strategies


This list was developed with input from eating disorder specialists including nutritionists, dieticians, and dentists. It does not constitute medical advice and should be discussed with a provider whenever possible.

Resources to share with...

Your Healthcare Providers

I Suspect My Patient Has an Eating Disorder: Now What?

Description: For Primary Care Providers

Primary care providers play an essential role in the assessment and care of individuals with eating disorders. Developed in collaboration with Body Brave, this resource for primary care providers is a concise guide to supporting patients who present with eating disorder concerns.

A Guide to Eating Disorders Medical Care (AED, 4th Edition)

Description: For Primary Care Providers

This document, created by the Academy for Eating Disorders’ Medical Care Standards Committee, is intended as a resource to promote recognition and prevention of medical morbidity and mortality associated with eating disorders. It is not a comprehensive clinical guide

Guidebook for Nutrition Treatment of Eating Disorders (AED)

Description: For Registered Dietitians

This publication, created by the Academy for Eating Disorders Nutrition Working Group, contains basic information regarding elements of nutrition care for individuals with eating disorders (EDs). The guideline is intended as a resource to clinicians who are providing nutritional interventions as part of a multi-disciplinary team or are otherwise involved in the care of these individuals. It is not intended to be a comprehensive nutrition therapy guide. The information provided is based on available research and current best practices.

Nutrition Assessment Template for Eating Disorders

Description: For Registered Dietitians

This information sheet can be used to help guide you in conducting a comprehensive nutrition assessment with an individual that has an eating disorder, or that you suspect may have an eating disorder.

RAVES: A back pocket guide to developing positive food relationships

Description: For Registered Dietitians

RAVES is an evidence informed framework that supports the development of positive food relationships through combining science and personal values. With years of practical clinical application in the fields of eating disorders and weight concerns, RAVES is the perfect “back pocket tool” to guide change for your clients in moving toward intuitive eating practices.

Your Loved Ones

A Parents’ and Caregivers’ Guide to Supporting Youth with Eating Disorders

Description: For parents and caregivers of youth

The information in this resource addresses behaviours and warning signs associated with eating disorders and should not replace evaluation and treatment by a qualified professional. For additional support, please refer to our contact information, as well as other recommended resources, listed on the back of this booklet.

Caring for someone with an eating disorder: A resource for families, carers and supports

Description: For families, carers and supports

Families, carers and supports play a crucial role in the care, support and recovery of people living with an eating disorder. A carer or support can be a parent, partner, friend, sibling, grandparent, child, grandchild, relative, neighbour, colleague or any other person caring for or supporting someone living with an eating disorder. This booklet is for general information only and should not be a substitute for medical or health advice.

Holding Hands


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