Dr. Laurie Bizero
We celebrate the life of Dr Laurie Bizero, who passed away at the age of 63 September, 2022 from complications related to her longstanding struggle with anorexia. She was a brave and talented woman who led a remarkable life.
In her memory, her husband Maurice Bizero made a substantial donation to Body Brave that will be renewed yearly. His donation supports a range of dietetic services at Body Brave.
Click on the images below & get to know Laurie
Queen Nefertari
Laurie and I were together for 48 years. We experienced so much together that it is very difficult to encapsulate. I chose to focus on areas that she loved the most. I have included pictures of various stages of her life. Her career in education is so diverse that I am not able to do it justice. I have included a PDF of her curriculum vitae for your perusal. I think that after reading about Laurie you will understand why the world is a little duller without her...
Memorials of Laurie
"I think that after reading about Laurie you will understand why the world is a little duller without her..."
Maurice Bizero